Neophyte Oath

I, ........................ [old motto], being of sound mind and body, and prepared, on this ............ day of ..................... [An ......... ) in ......of.........] do hereby resolve: in the Presence of ..................................... a Zelator of the A∴A∴: To prosecute the Great Work: which is, to obtain control of the nature and powers of my own being. Further, I promise to observe zeal in service to the Probationers under me, and to deny myself utterly on their behalf. May the A∴A∴ crown the work, lend me of Its wisdom in the work, enable me to understand the work! Reverence, duty, sympathy, devotion, assiduity, trust do I bring to the A∴A∴ and in eight months from this date may I be admitted to the knowledge and conversation of the A∴A∴!

Witness my hand [old motto] .................................

New Motto .............................

The Task of a Neophyte

    0. Let any Probationer who has accomplished his task to the satisfaction of the A∴A∴ be instructed in the proper course of procedure: which is:—Let him read through this note of his office, and sign it. Let him obtain the robe of a Neophyte, and entrust the same to the care of his Neophyte.
    He shall choose a new motto with deep forethought and intense solemnity, as expressing the clearer consciousness of his Aspiration which the year’s Probation has given him.
    Let him make an appointment with his Neophyte at the pleasure of the latter for the ceremony of Initiation.

    1. The Neophyte shall not proceed to the grade of Zelator in less than eight months; but shall hold himself free for four days for advancement at the end of that period.

    2. He shall pass the four tests called the Powers of the Sphinx.

    3. He shall apply himself to understand the nature of his Initiation.

    4. He shall commit to memory a chapter of Liber VII; and furthermore, he shall study and practise Liber O in all its branches; also he shall begin to study Liber HHH, and some one commonly accepted method of divination. He will further be examined in his power of Journeying in the Spirit Vision.

    5. Beside all this, he shall perform any tasks that his Zelator in the name of the A∴A∴ and by its authority may see fit to lay upon him. Let him be mindful that the word Neophyte is no idle term, but that in many a subtle way the new nature will stir within him, when he knoweth it not.

    6. When the sun shall next enter the sign 240° to that under which he hath been received, his advancement may be granted unto him. He shall keep himself free from all other engagements for four whole days from that date.

    7. He may at any moment withdraw from his association with the A∴A∴, simply notifying the Zelator who introduced him.

    8. He shall everywhere proclaim openly his connection with the A∴A∴ and speak of It and Its principles (even so little as he understandeth) for that mystery is the enemy of Truth.
    Furthermore, he shall construct the magic Pentacle, according to the instruction in Liber A.
    One month before the completion of his eight months, he shall deliver a copy of his Record to his Neophyte, pass the necessary tests, and repeat to him his chosen chapter of Liber VII.

    9. He shall in every way fortify his body according to the advice of his Zelator, for that the ordeal of advancement is no light one.

    10. Thus and not otherwise may he obtain the great reward: yea, may he obtain the great reward!