I. The rituals of the Pentagram and Hexagram must be committed to memory. They are as follows:
The Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram
1. Touching the forehead, say Ateh (Unto Thee -
2. Touching the breast, say Malkuth (The Kingdom –
3. Touching the right shoulder, say ve-Geburah (and the Power –
4. Touching the left shoulder, say ve-Gedulah (and the Glory -
5. Clasping the hands upon the breast, say le-Olahm, Amen (to the Ages, Amen -
6. Turning to the East, make a pentagram (that of Earth) with the proper weapon (usually the Wand). Say (i.e., vibrate) IHVH. (Ye-ho-wau -

8. Turning to the West, the same, but say AHIH. (Eheieh -
9. Turning to the North, the same, but say AGLA. (Atah Gibor LeOlam Adonai -
10. Extending the arms in the form of a Cross, say:
11. Before me Raphael;
12. Behind me Gabriel;
13. On my right hand Michael;
14. On my left hand Auriel;
15. For about me flames the Pentagram,
16. And in the Column stands the six-rayed Star.
17. Touching the forehead, say Ateh.
18. Touching the breast, say Malkuth.
19. Touching the right shoulder, say ve-Geburah.
20. Touching the left shoulder, say ve-Gedulah.
21. Clasping the hands upon the breast, say le-Olahm, Amen.
The pentagrams are traced in the air with the sword or other weapon, the name spoken aloud, and the signs used, as illustrated.